Practice, Research, and Training

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Our research outputs include the following:​
Following the success of the Military Writing Network workshops with Combat Stress UK run by Siobhan Campbell, Campbell and Jensen have developed a series of applied research projects for UK government and non-governmental organisations, making use of their knowledge of narrative-based approaches to support resilience in conflict and post-conflict contexts. With two projects in Iraq, and one in Lebanon, working with NGOs and with the UNDP SIRI project, the expressive life writing techniques they have adapted for each venue are now in use and being monitored as supportive of social cohesion, capacity building and cultural recovery.
Background: Campbell and Jensen’s joint work as mentors for the John Smith Memorial Trust (JSMT) instigated our work with young leaders from the Middle East and North Africa in 2010. Through workshops, we enabled the Trust fellows to develop strategies for rights campaigning using the power of life-story telling.
More recently, we mentored fellows of the Women in Conflict Peace Initiative developed by Beyond Borders Scotland and launched by First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon in 2015. These women, working in civil society rebuilding in Syria, Yemen and Iraq, gave us first-hand experience which we incorporated into adaptations of our approach within the Expressive Life Writing Project.(See the training video produced to support the training of fellows in these techniques
The insights into practice and the techniques we used are gathered in The Expressive Life-Writing Handbook
Research includes
The Expressive Life Writing Handbook (TSRN/Beyond Borders 2017) Siobhan Campbell and Meg Jensen
Chapter in Research Methods for Auto-Biography - Routledge (2019): ‘Negotiated Truths and Iterative Practice: Expressive Writing in Post-Conflict cultural recovery’
“ ‘The Stories we Have to Tell’ - the impact of ‘story’ on governing complexities in NGO narratives’ “
Report to the UNDP Support for Integrated Reconciliation project Iraq on the efficacy of the Expressive Life Writing training. (2017)
Book: Heat Signature - collection of poems, Siobhan Campbell. (Seren 2016) ISBN 9 781 78172-367-8 70pp - Poems featured in the Peace and Beyond Conference (British Council), ‘In Dreams Begin Responsibilities’ at Belfast International Arts Festival, in The Further Shore (Barbican) commemorating 20 years since the Good Friday Agreement and in other peace and reconciliation settings.
Jensen, Margaret (2019) The art and science of trauma and the autobiographical : negotiated truths. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 299p. (Palgrave Studies in Life Writing) ISBN 9783030061067
Jensen, Meg and Jolly, Margaretta, eds. (2014) We shall bear witness: life narratives and human rights. Madison, WI, U.S. : University of Wisconsin Press. 332p. (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) ISBN 9780299300142